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Eleanor launches Norwich group for healing 

Eleanor Laming, who helped to set up Parish Nursing in Norwich, has now started a local branch of the Guild of Health and St Raphael.

The guild has existed in some form since 1904 and was founded to bring Christians together to promote, support and practice Christ’s ministry of healing. The Guild is ecumenical, inclusive and prayerful.    


Eleanor has always had an interest in health, being a former nurse and aromatherapist. She is an adherent in the Salvation Army and over the last five years has been involved in Parish Nursing at St Francis Church, Heartsease. In 2019 she set up the Parish Visiting service. During the lockdown the service helped out with providing food for people in the local community.    


In 2019 she heard Revd Dr Gillian Straine (Director of the Guild) speak at Norwich Cathedral and felt led to start up a small branch in Norwich. This eventually came about online, during the lockdown, after she had met others who share an interest in Christian spiritual healing. 


The Guild seeks to bring together Christians, including doctors, psychologists and ministers, to work together for fuller health, both for the individual and community. It also studies the interaction between the physical, mental and spiritual factors in wellbeing and prays for the sick and those who minister to them.


The Norwich branch has a prayer meeting on the second Thursday of every month at 4.00 pm using a set service format, and on the second Thursday of each month at 7.00 pm it has a short presentation followed by discussion. Both meetings are on Zoom.   


If you are interested in getting involved, please contact:


[email protected]


There is more information on the website:




Pictured above is Eleanor Laming



Eldred Willey, 15/10/2020

Read the full article here

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