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Easter digital worship at Norwich Cathedral 

While Norwich Anglican Cathedral’s historic building remains closed to help combat the spread of Covid-19, the Dean and Chapter will be helping people to mark Holy Week and Easter with a variety of videos and podcasts to aid worship.

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic the Dean and Chapter are, in safe ways, continuing the Cathedral’s traditional daily rhythm of worship from their individual homes, and people are invited to send prayers to [email protected]


The clergy are regularly publishing videos and podcasts on the new Norwich Cathedral Services YouTube Channel, and a special series of digital worship is being planned in the run-up to Easter Sunday.


The sublime sound of the Norwich Cathedral Choir will also be heard across the national airwaves on Easter Sunday at 3pm when BBC Radio 3 will be broadcasting Norwich Cathedral’s Easter Day Choral Evensong from 2017.


The Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev Jane Hedges, said: “In these difficult and unusual times we must embrace new and inventive ways to celebrate this most special time in the Christian year.


“The regular rhythm of worship at Norwich Cathedral is continuing, albeit it in very different ways, and as we approach Holy Week and Easter, we are preparing a special series of podcasts and videos that we hope will help people continue to feel connected to the Cathedral community.”

Videos and podcasts

Unless otherwise stated, these will be published on the Norwich Cathedral Services YouTube Channel. The aim is, where possible, for this material to be published by 4pm on the day of publication.


Palm Sunday

The Passion narrative will be told through words and illustrated by scenes from the Cathedral.


On the Diocese of Norwich website the Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, will be leading the Sunday Hope podcast.


Monday 6 April to Wednesday 8 April

The Rt Rev Graham Usher, the Bishop of Norwich, will present a short “thoughts for the day” homily every day from his home.


Maundy Thursday

In place of the traditional Maundy Thursday Chrism Eucharist at the Cathedral, members of clergy and laity from across the Diocese will connect via the digital platform Zoom to re-make their vows of ministry. There are plans for a new date for a Chrism Eucharist in the Cathedral once the present restrictions are lifted.


In the evening, the Bishop of Norwich will present a short homily, the Dean of Norwich will lead prayers, and members of Chapter will read the story of the Last Supper.


Good Friday

The Cathedral’s medieval roof bosses, which decorate the ceiling of Nave, will be the focus of a video looking at the Passion narrative and the Meditations on Mary. A Good Friday service will be recorded, focussing on the Veneration of the Cross.


At 3pm all of the Cathedral clergy will say common prayers in their homes and an order of service for people to follow will be available on the Explore Faith page on the Cathedral website. Please note this will not be recorded or posted on YouTube.


Holy Saturday Evening

The Revd Canon Aidan Platten, Canon Precentor, will alone light the Easter Fire and Paschal Candle. The Revd Dr Peter Doll, Canon Librarian and Vice Dean, will read the Easter Homily of St John Chrysostom. This will be recorded and posted on YouTube.


Easter Sunday

The Dean of Norwich will celebrate a simple Eucharist from the Deanery and deliver a short Easter Day message from the Cathedral. 

At 3pm Norwich Cathedral’s Easter Day Choral Evensong from 2017 will be broadcast on BBC Radio Three.


For all the latest information about Norwich Cathedral, please visit cathedral.org.uk


Pictured above is Norwich Cathedral. Picture by Bill Smith/Norwich Cathedral.


Read the full article here

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