Climate activists plan vigil on Millennium Plain

On the anniversary of the Paris Agreement Christian climate activists in Norwich are set to stage a 12-hour vigil outside St Peter Mancroft.
Christian Aid and Christian Climate Action Norwich are organising the event for December 12, the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The vigil follows a similar event held in London earlier this year with former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
“It really isn’t an exaggeration to say that the future of the human race is now at stake,” said Dr Williams.
Jim Green from Norwich Christian Climate Action said: “Coming together for a few hours is a great way to show solidarity with the cause of climate action.”
Chris Hull from Christian Aid invited people to bring their own signs or use ones provided. “If you are unable to come in person sign up anyway and pray where you can,” he said
The vigil outside St Peter Mancroft will run from 9am to 9pm, with a maximum of six participants taking one or two hour slots. You can book your slot here:
The event is open to those of all faiths and persuasions.
Pictured above is Rowan Williams with friends at a Christian Climate Action Lent Vigil in London earlier this year.
Eldred Willey, 04/12/2020
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