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Church cafe offers fresh new look and good food 

The Beacon Café, part of St Elizabeth’s Church in Earlham, has re-opened this month following a revamp with a fresh new look.


New flooring has been laid in the main church area, thanks to a funding grant, and the redecoration of the café has created an even more welcoming space for people to enjoy food, build relationships, be signposted to relevant agencies and feel included in community life.  The revamp to the café and building means that the café opening times can be extended to engage with more people and provide outreach opportunities.

Customers have already responded with some great feedback:  “Wow this looks amazing!”; “It makes me feel safe and calm when I am there”; “stylish, fresh and welcoming – a place for all to come and relax and meet friends and family”; “absolutely outstanding effort put in it looks amazing – loving the floor and wood design”; and “It was great to see the refreshed Beacon Cafe today. The wood theme ties everything together and the new floor extends the café making it much cleaner and brighter “.


Danny Doran-Smith, ENYP Director and Pioneer Minister for St Elizabeth’s Church, said, “Bringing a fresh new look and vision to the Beacon café means we can continue to build the strong sense of community that already exists at St Elizabeth’s church, as well as increasing our outreach and engagement opportunities.  We want people to feel at home and come to a place where they feel welcomed and supported – the café is a central part of St Elizabeth’s mission to do this.” 


St Elizabeth’s Church has regular organisations who use the building for their activities and it is also hired for private functions and meetings – if you are interested in hiring the space please contact them for further details.


The Beacon café has been open for three mornings a week for breakfast and light meals for the last three years and once a month for the Kids Café service (which caters for over 50 children and their families and provides free breakfast for children).  A Foodbank distribution centre is also open on a Monday and Wednesday, providing a local distribution point for the area – families in crisis have accessed this, and been served with a warm welcome, a free meal and food parcels.    Additional fresh food parcels are provided through our ‘picnic project’ which provides fresh bread, fruit and vegetables to accompany the foodbank parcel and to provide healthy and nutritious meals.  At least 400 people are fed each week, and this is expected to increase further with the extension of the café.


For more information on the Beacon Café please contact; [email protected] or visit www.thebeacon-norwich.co.uk


Read the full article here

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