Children ask big questions at Norwich church club

St Andrew’s Church Eaton ran a successful holiday club focusing on the different aspects of God’s love, with the help of a dedicated team of volunteers and a bubble-blowing, smoke-spewing ‘megatron’ machine.
38 children lined up at the door each day eager to get in, full of enthusiasm and expectation for the day ahead. The theme of the five day ‘Mega Makers’ club was drawn from Ephesians 3:18-20 and the children learnt about the width, depth, strength, greatness and eternity of God’s love for us.
Holiday club leader Andrea Woods said, “It has been a really fantastic week .The children have been great fun and joined in with enthusiasm. There have been some amazing conversations.”
Each day the children looked at a different aspect of God’s love for us. Monday focused on how Jesus’ message about God’s Kingdom is wide enough to reach everyone even those, like Matthew the tax collector who was hated by many. On Tuesday the learning focused on the disciples in the storm. Andrea said, “We learned about trusting God and allowing our faith to get deeper and deeper. We discussed how Jesus is with us in the ordinary things like when we are at school, going to bed and playing with friends. But also that Jesus is there when things go wrong and we know we can trust him to make a difference.”
On Wednesday the children learnt about the strength of Jesus and that his power was God’s power. The older children went on to discuss the trinity after one 10 year old asked ‘So is Jesus God?’
Thursday looked at how Jesus’ death on the cross showed his love to be greater than any other love. The final day was a celebration that God’s love goes on forever because of the resurrection. Parents were invited to attend a short service of thanksgiving and to stay for lunch, made by Cathy Rodd and her team. This provided everyone with a great opportunity to chat and share what had been going on at holiday club.
A team of over 25 people from St Andrew’s and Christ Church Eaton worked together to make the holiday club a success.
Andrea said, “I give thanks to God for each one of them. It was a really happy and special time for so many children and we do pray that they will have taken away with them something of the love of Christ.”
A wonderful ‘Megatron Machine’ was created by Leslie Moore – complete with smoke, bubbles and mechanical noises – which was used in the ‘mad scientist’ drama each day.
This machine [pictured right] demonstrated that when small things were put in one end they came out the other side much bigger and so it is with God’s love for us.
A craft team, headed up by Liz Bibby, helped the children with craft activities such as bread making, coin rubbing, badge making, crosses, weaving, making keyrings and fish, to name but a few. The children also enjoyed some lively games.
Both St Andrew’s and Christ Church offer a variety of activities for children, young people and families. For more information visit or
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