A Kenyan captures the cost of climate change

To mark COP26, St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich will host a screening of ‘Thank you for the Rain’ in partnership with Christian Aid.
‘Thank You for the Rain’ tells the story of Kisulu Musaya from south-east Kenya who realises that what he and his local farming community are experiencing are the effects of climate change. The audience is invited to follow Kisilu’s journey from smallholder activist to advocate at the UN climate talks.
Kisilu has used his camera to capture the life of his family, and the human costs of climate change.
Chris Hull, volunteer campaigns organiser for Christian Aid, said: “Watching this film made me realise just how important it is for marginalised groups to be represented directly at any negotiations on climate.”
Entrance to the film is free and attendees are welcome to purchase and bring pizza to the screening. There will be a short question and answer session after the film, led by Chris Hull. This event is part of the Gaia festival, featuring Luke Jerram’s Gaia Earth work, a 6-metre diameter replica of the earth.
The screening will take place at 7pm on Friday October 29 at St Peter Mancroft Church, Hay Hill, Norwich NR2 1QQ (opposite The Forum).
Eldred Willey, 21/10/2021
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