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70 years of Norwich church women’s group 

St. Thomas Church in Norwich recently honored its church women’s ministry, which had been running for seventy years, with a special memorial bench. The Ladies Group, which originally began as the ‘Young Wives’ group in 1953, evolved over time to welcome single and divorced members. Sadly, the group came to an end in July of the previous year, with only six members remaining. The funds left in the group’s bank account were donated to two charities, and the rest was used to purchase a bench for the church garden. Rev. Blessing Chishanu blessed the bench with oil after a Communion Service on May 1, with five of the remaining members present along with attendees from the service. A special orchid was presented to Jackie Kerrison, the group’s treasurer for forty years, and celebratory refreshments followed in the church.

Norma Broadest, a longstanding member of the Ladies Group, shared her memories of the group and its evolution over the years. She highlighted the inclusivity of the group, which had originally been focused on young wives but later expanded to include a more diverse range of members. Despite the group eventually disbanding due to declining membership, its impact on the church and its members was clearly significant. The decision to use the remaining funds to purchase a memorial bench for the church’s garden reflects the lasting legacy of the group and its contributions to the church community. By anointing the bench with oil during a special ceremony, the church paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the women who had been part of the group.

The memorial bench serves as a physical reminder of the women’s ministry that had been an integral part of St. Thomas Church for many years. The image of Norma Broadest and Jackie Kerrison sitting on the bench captures a moment of reflection and remembrance for the group and its members. The gesture of presenting an orchid to Jackie Kerrison, who had served as treasurer for four decades, acknowledges her commitment and dedication to the group. The bench now stands as a symbol of the enduring spirit of the women’s ministry and a place where church members and visitors can pause to commemorate its impact on the community. This act of honoring the past demonstrates the importance of recognizing the contributions of those who have played a significant role in shaping the church’s history.

The ceremony to dedicate the memorial bench was a poignant moment for the church community, bringing together current and former members of the Ladies Group to celebrate its legacy. The decision to divide the remaining funds between charities and the purchase of the bench emphasizes the group’s commitment to giving back to the community and leaving a lasting impact. By coming together to mark the end of the group and honor its memory, the church community demonstrated the strength of their connections and the enduring legacy of the women’s ministry. The memorial bench now stands as a testament to the dedication and service of the women who were part of the group, ensuring that their contributions will be remembered and cherished for years to come.

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