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40 years of lunch club at Cringleford church

A lunch club located at St Peter’s Church in Cringleford recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. The club, started in 1983 by two local residents and the vicar, has been providing a sociable place and hot meals to combat loneliness in the community. Over the years, the club has grown and now has four groups of volunteers who help with cooking, driving, serving, and washing up for the 24 regular members. The cost of the meal remains low at £5, thanks to a generous donation from a member who left a gift in their will. A celebration marking the anniversary included music from the 1940s and 50s and a special anniversary cake made by a local baker.

The lunch club’s origins can be traced back to 1983 when Jean Glaseby, Dr David Carle, and Revd Sturdy started the club. Initially meeting monthly, the club gradually increased its frequency to fortnightly and then weekly. After Jean passed away, her husband Roger continued to support the club as a driver. The club’s growth and success can be attributed to the willingness of local residents to volunteer and be part of the group. This support has enabled the club to meet regularly and reach those who may otherwise face isolation.

The club had received a subsidy of 18p per diner from Norfolk County Council in the 1980s, with the meal costing 80p per person. Even after 40 years, the cost of the meal remains affordable at £5, partly due to a generous donation from a club member’s will. The low cost ensures that the club remains accessible to all, regardless of their financial situation. This affordability has been a key factor in the club’s longevity and ability to continue its mission of combating loneliness within the community.

Throughout its 40-year history, the lunch club has evolved and adapted to meet the changing needs of its members. During Rev Andrew Braddock’s tenure as vicar, a mobile phone was introduced to stay in touch with members and ensure smooth communication. The club also transformed into a meals on wheels service during the pandemic, providing soup, a bun, and a pudding to its members. This adaptation allowed the club to continue its services while adhering to health and safety regulations. Additionally, the club remains an important focal point for the week, with special events such as Christmas celebrations and birthday celebrations for its members.

In conclusion, the lunch club at St Peter’s Church in Cringleford has celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. Started in 1983 by local residents and the vicar, the club has provided a sociable place and hot meals to combat loneliness in the community. With the support of volunteers and a generous donation, the club has been able to meet regularly and keep the cost of the meal affordable at £5. The club has adapted to changing needs over the years, introducing a mobile phone for communication and transforming into a meals on wheels service during the pandemic. As a result, the club remains a vital and cherished part of the community, providing companionship and support to its members.

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