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King’s Lynn Christmas cards for Christian Aid 

The Christian Aid group in King’s Lynn has come up with some artistic ways of making Christmas cards. Rev Heather Berry tells the story.

In a zoom meeting this autumn the Christian Aid group in King’s Lynn learned about the difference the charity is making in Ethiopia.

Julian Bryant, Church Engagement and Fundraising Officer for Norfolk and Suffolk, told them about what he had seen for himself in Ethiopia last year. Children often walk many hours to collect water from riverbeds. 

Julian saw large ponds and underground reservoirs built through Christian Aid’s funds by local people, who were trained to maintain them. These are storing hundreds of thousands of litres of water for use in the dry season.  

The group also heard about the Christmas Appeal, and wondered whether they could produce cards for Christmas. Tatiana Halliday from St Faith’s Church in Gaywood is skilled in making traditional Belarusian paper cuts (Vitinanka). She agreed to create some to be printed as black and white cards. Angela Clarke was willing to do some paintings. Cards of four different designs have now been printed, and packs are being sold with all the profits going to Christian Aid.

Each pack of 10 cards and envelopes contains two designs. The coloured packs are available for £4 each and the black and white packs for £3. The cards are A6 size and blank inside for your own greeting. 

To find out more please email Heather Berry on revberry2019@gmail.com

Pictured above is Tatiana Halliday making the paper cuts and, below, the coloured designs



Read the full article here

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