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Installation of peace doves at West Norfolk church

The people of St. Faith’s Gaywood LEP in King’s Lynn have created a visual reminder for praying for peace by installing hundreds of origami peace doves on a suspended metal frame above the Chancel steps. The doves were prayerfully hand made by members of the church family, including the St. Faith’s Youth Group, church regulars, and new members. The simple design allowed everyone to participate in making the doves as symbols of peace. This effort was part of the church’s commitment to praying for peace and the vision of the Diocese of Norwich to work for peace and reconciliation.

Team Rector, Rev Kyla Sorensen, emphasized the significance of the installation as a visual reminder for everyone who enters the church to pray with intention for the world. The doves will serve as a reminder for worshippers to bring their prayers for peace to the altar of God, trusting that He will hear their petitions as they pray together for peace. The church also participated in the recent Peace and Justice Forum organized by Churches Together in King’s Lynn, where delegates engaged in challenging discussions on peace on a global, national, and local scale. The installation will be in place throughout Lent until Easter, when the corona will be adorned with thorns.

The church’s commitment to praying for peace is evident through the installation of origami peace doves, as a visual reminder for worshippers to pray for the world. The doves were made by members of the church family and symbolize peace. The church’s participation in the Peace and Justice Forum further demonstrates their dedication to working for peace on various scales. The installation will remain throughout Lent as a reminder of the church’s commitment to praying for peace. For more information on St. Faith’s Church Gaywood LEP, visit their Facebook page @stfaithgaywoodlep.

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