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New church planting venture in South Norfolk 

The English Reformed Church is launching a new church planting venture called the Reformed Methodist Restart in the former Methodist Church in Attleborough. The proposing pastor, Rev Dr Alan C Clifford, retired at the age of 80 after 28 years as the pastor of Norwich Reformed Church in 2022. The church plant is not affiliated with the Methodist Church but is simply using its former building, now owned by Independent Family Funeral Director Andy Free. The church’s first meeting is scheduled for September 29 at 4.30pm, and the venue is located at High Street, Attleborough, NR17 2BT.

Throughout his 53 years of preaching, Dr. Clifford has gained attention for his outspoken views on Islam, Norwich Gay Pride, and freedom of speech issues. One incident that resulted in controversy was the banning of his Christian bookstall from Hay Hill by the city council after it promoted anti-Islam material. This action ultimately led to a controversial English Defence League march in Norwich city center in 2012, which was widely opposed across the local Christian community. Despite these controversies, Dr. Clifford continues to spread the Gospel and is now leading the Reformed Methodist Restart church planting venture in Attleborough.

The church’s first service of divine worship is set to take place on September 29, and interested individuals can find the church at the High Street location in Attleborough. Dr. Clifford’s announcement of the church launch can be watched online. The former Methodist Church in Attleborough, where the new church planting venture will be held, is pictured above. Rev Dr Alan Clifford, the proposing pastor for the Reformed Methodist Restart, is pictured below. The church plant is an exciting new venture for the English Reformed Church and represents an opportunity for individuals in Attleborough to come together in worship and community.

As the Reformed Methodist Restart prepares to hold its first meeting, the community in Attleborough and beyond can look forward to a new space for worship and fellowship. Dr. Clifford’s leadership and years of experience in preaching the Gospel bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to this new venture. Despite past controversies and opposition, Dr. Clifford’s commitment to spreading the word of God and providing a welcoming church environment remains steadfast. The upcoming service on September 29 presents an opportunity for individuals to come together in worship and support the growth of this new church plant in Attleborough.

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