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Diss Salvation Army centre re-opening celebrated 

The Salvation Army community center in Diss recently underwent a three-month refurbishment, and celebrations were held to mark the completion of the project. A service of dedication was held at the building, with Scout groups parading before Major Paula Mark led a prayer. The building was officially opened by the oldest and youngest church members, 94-year-old Kathleen Rackham and five-year-old Gerald Junior, cutting the ribbon. Attendees, including representatives from the building company and architect, were invited inside for a dedication service led by former leader Colonel Herve Cachelin, followed by tea, cake, and ice cream for the children.

Major Paula Mark expressed delight at the new building, highlighting the improved layout, new toilets, shower room, and updated electrics that will better support the Corps programme. The community center is now able to accommodate a variety of activities, including Scout, Cub, Beaver, and Squirrel sections, as well as other organizations hiring the hall for their events. The modernization of the premises allows for continued growth and support of the community. Major Paula Mark expressed gratitude to all involved in completing the project and commended those who adapted their activities during the building works.

The refurbished The Salvation Army community center in Diss has been well-received and is already widely used by various groups within the community. The improvements to the building’s facilities have enhanced the support for the Corps programme and have allowed for a more efficient and effective use of the space. Major Paula Mark’s appreciation for those involved in the project highlights the collaborative effort that went into creating a space that meets the needs of the community and supports ongoing growth and development.

The event marking the completion of the refurbishment of The Salvation Army community center in Diss was a joyous occasion, with a mix of attendees from different groups coming together to celebrate the achievement. The dedication service, led by former leader Colonel Herve Cachelin, brought a sense of unity and purpose to the gathering. The involvement of the oldest and youngest church members in the ribbon-cutting ceremony symbolized continuity and growth within the community. Overall, the refurbishment project has brought new life to the community center and has set the stage for continued support and engagement within the community.

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