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Sheringham Methodists climate day postponed

The Climate Change day which St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Sheringham were planning to host later this month has been postponed until April 2024. 

The proposed Climate Change Day on 21 October will now be held on Saturday 20 April 2024 at St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Cromer Road, Sheringham.  This will be held in conjunction with the Quaker’s Sustainable Saturday series.  A Steering Group meeting will take place at St Andrew’s on Thursday 16th November at 2.30pm to plan for the event.

If you feel this is something to which you, your Church, organisation you are a part of, could contribute, please do come along.  For more information contact Jean Parton at [email protected] or 01263 821600.

Jean said “If you have a passion for climate change, this could be your opportunity to express that in a creative way.  Alternatively, you might feel able to assist with the setting up of the exhibition.”


Image by Enrique from Pixabay


Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 02/10/2023

Read the full article here

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