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Sheringham church concert helps local foodbank

St Peter’s Church in Sheringham recently hosted a charity concert by a group of local musicians known as the Norfolk Duos. The concert was held in support of the North Norfolk Foodbank, and the Duos worked closely with the foodbank’s co-ordinator to plan the event. Six different musical duos performed, raising almost £700 for the North Norfolk Foodbank. Additionally, the Duos support the Foodbank through sales of their special fundraising Charity CD and generous donations of their time, music, and songs. The concert organiser, Ervin Munir, expressed happiness at being able to help the clients who use the North Norfolk Foodbank, and the manager of the Foodbank, Julie Hunter Jennings, expressed gratitude for the support and awareness raised by the Norfolk Duos.

Lay Minister Angela Stewart of St Peter’s Church thoroughly enjoyed the concert, which she stated explored the richness of humanity and touched her emotions. She also praised the enthusiasm and generosity of the Duos towards the Foodbank, stating that they gave great pleasure while raising money for an essential service in the community. The funds raised by the concert will help the Foodbank prepare for the hard winter ahead.

The story was first reported on the Diocese of Norwich website, and the photo of the Norfolk Duos was also provided by the Diocese of Norwich. The article ended by inviting readers to share any news stories or forthcoming events relating to Christians or churches in North Norfolk with the BBC.

The charity concert, organized by the Norfolk Duos and hosted by St Peter’s Church in Sheringham, was a successful fundraiser for the North Norfolk Foodbank. The group of local musicians performed various acoustic, imaginative, and entertaining music, raising nearly £700 for the Foodbank. The Duos also supported the Foodbank through the sale of a special fundraising Charity CD, as well as generous donations of their time, music, and songs. The concert organiser, Ervin Munir, expressed happiness at being able to support the clients who use the Foodbank, and the manager of the Foodbank, Julie Hunter Jennings, expressed gratitude for the generous donation, which will help the Foodbank prepare for the upcoming winter.

The Lay Minister at St Peter’s Church, Angela Stewart, praised the concert for exploring the richness of humanity and touching emotions, expressing enthusiasm and generosity towards the Foodbank. She also stated that the funds raised by the concert will support an essential service in the community. The story was initially reported on the Diocese of Norwich website, and a photo of the Norfolk Duos was provided by the Diocese of Norwich. The article concluded by inviting readers to share any news stories or forthcoming events relating to Christians or churches in North Norfolk with the BBC.

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