Norfolk pastor’s 41 books, and still writing

Baptist Minister and author Patrick Coghlan has written over 40 books, and is happy to talk to churches and groups about his experiences.
Rev Coghlan is Minister of Worstead Baptist Church in Meeting Hill, counsellor at the Aylsham Care Trust (ACT) Centre, and is also a prolific Christian author having completed and published 41 books, after twenty-one years of writing.
Patrick says “People might be surprised by the wide range of different Christian resources and novels covering all age groups. What I have written varies vastly, including group Bible studies; group and family Lent and Advent courses; teaching books for assemblies/ Sunday school use; many different individual resources and studies; material for and on dementia, disability, old age and poor mental health; healing resources; prayer resources; and novels.”
His writing career all began with a book about informal prayer – Anytime: Chats with God – published by Moorleys in 2001. Soon after, he had a teaching resource for children ‘Stories to Read Aloud’ – based on retelling Bible stories – published by Barnabas. That was translated into Ukrainian, by the Bible Society – and 10,000 copies were distributed around the Ukraine as a result.
Patrick had always enjoyed creative writing at school; and wanted to write a book. He never envisaged that, many years later, the he would write over 40. A few of them are now out of print, but he has new copies of them all, available for purchase.
‘I don’t suppose I will ever make a fortune by writing books,’ he explained. ‘The reason I write is to share my faith with others; and to help to inform, encourage, and equip them in their daily walk with God. I aim to make my resources accessible, user friendly, and usually ‘off the page’ – I try to meet people where they are, in an understandable, relevant, and challenging way. And to encourage a positive response to scripture.’
In an attempt to fulfil his aim, Patrick is seeking opportunities to speak about his faith and writing at events and churches in Norwich and Norfolk; and to take a selection of his books to sell.
As an enthusiastic horse rider, and qualified instructor, Patrick has also written a selection of horse-themed novels – including ‘Crazy about Horses’, which came out earlier this year (published by Instant Apostle). Some of his books openly reveal his own struggles with being bullied at school, and living with depression and anxiety later on. He is always very open about prayer – and most of his books are packed full of prayer resources. He currently has two more completed manuscripts awaiting publishers, and would love to do something based on the letters of Peter; and maybe another novel.
Patrick’s published paperbacks are:
Group Bible studies: The Friday Evening Bible Study (based on the book of Nehemiah), Loved Without Condition (based on the book of Ruth), Meditations in the Garden (based on the story of Adam and Eve), Meditations on a Boat (based on the story of Noah), Meditations on a Journey (based on the story of Abraham), Meditations in Captivity (based on the story of Joseph), Meditations in the Desert (based on the story of Moses), Meditations in the Body (based on the life of Jesus on earth)
Lent courses: Roger’s Diary (based on the story of Jonah), A Letter for Lent (based on Colossians and Philemon)
Prayer resources: Anytime – chats with God (Informal prayer), Prayer 4 2day (A personal/ group study based on the theme of prayer)
Novels: Rose Cottage, Storm, Decibels at Dell Farm, Thelma Wheelbarrow, Crazy about horses (for young adults, looking at faith, prayer, facing up to the bullies, etc.)
Sunday school/ assembly/teaching resources: Bible Stories to Read Aloud, Letters Pray (An alphabet of biblical themes), Stories to Perform (Poems and sketches based on Bible stories), The storyteller (A Bible story to read or to tell in your own words)
Personal resources on spirituality: A Glass of Homemade Lemonade (for the over 50s, based on the book of James and the Sermon on the Mount), On track for God (for young adults), The Fragrance of Jesus (based on some of the miracles of Jesus), The Destination is in Sight (based on the writings of John), Just as you are (based on parables of Jesus from Luke’s Gospel), Experiencing God in unexpected places (A fresh look at the Beatitudes, and a journey involving prayer), Rooted in God (15 Psalms, 15 promises from the Bible, 15 meditation, 15 passages on the teaching of Jesus, and a selection of prayers for different occasions.)
Family resources: Advent fun for all the family (The Christmas story in the modern world – with activities), After the pancakes (A daily family Lent course)
Resources for older people or those living with disability or illness: Four “Creating Church at home” books – For older people living with dementia, For the elderly housebound, For people living with anxiety or depression, For the housebound due to disability or illness; Still Valued and Blessed (An inspirational study older people in the Bible who served God), Never too old (1 & 2) (A Bible study on brokenness, with other resources for ministry to older people), Hugs from above (Resources for people entering into retirement and later life), Where is God in depression? (Encouragement for those who struggle with depression and anxiety)
Daily Bible readings:
A Diary of Thankfulness (31 days of thanksgiving), Pause for God (366 daily moments with God; involving looking at scripture, prayer, mindfulness and journaling)
For further details, to place an order, or to invite Patrick to your event please email : [email protected]
The image above shows Patrick Coghlan at a recent book signing.
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Tony Rothe, 05/08/2022
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