An opportunity for Norwich to pray for the nation

Rev Nigel Fox, who has served as a Methodist Minister for 15 years in Norwich, shares an open invitation to pray for the nation at a crucial moment.
Amidst all the turmoil about an uncertain and possibly painful future, it is time to place the future in the Lord’s hands, and to bring to Him the heart and soul of the nation.
We are at a significant time, when government decisions and statements will affect so many aspects of our future.
On Monday October 31 will be holding a time of prayer for the city and the nation at St Stephen’s Church in Norwich (NR2 1QP), starting at 7.30pm.
Following up on recently published comments made about the meaning of repentance, (see article here) there will be a specific opportunity to pray together on that theme.
At this time, three years ago, we weren’t sure if Brexit would happen or be delayed, and whether or not there’d be another election. It was a significant time of uncertainty, and a number of Christians gathered on October 31 to seek the Lord in prayer.
So much has happened since then, and especially during the last couple of months with yet more significant change. This year, there is still much uncertainty, and there are also many deep concerns.
This is the time for Church to awaken, to arise to our true stature and stand for Jesus. Specifically, it is a call to seek the Lord Jesus with all our heart, to turn to Him as King (in repentance), and to plead His mercy over this nation. Do join us if you can.
Image: Pexels
Eldred Willey, 26/10/2022
Read the full article here