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Hear how God led Sheringham man to success

Ian Mutton, the manager of SMG Architects Ltd, will be sharing his success story and his presentation “Plans and Purposes” at the Cromer Church men’s breakfast on January 20. Mutton’s journey from a boy with learning difficulties and no ambition to the manager of a successful architecture company in Norfolk is an inspiring story of God’s leading and guidance. The event will start at 8am with a cooked breakfast in the Parish Hall in Cromer, and a small donation is welcome to cover the cost of the breakfast. Booking is essential for catering purposes, and interested individuals can email Tim Britton to confirm their attendance. SMG Architects is based in Sheringham, with a presence in Norwich and St Neots, and has been involved in various innovative building projects across East Anglia, including the Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham and a mission to provide facilities at a village school in Uganda.

For individuals interested in learning more about SMG Architects and their services, as well as their mission to Uganda, they can visit SMG’s profile page on Network Norfolk. The photo of Ian Mutton is courtesy of GarethGabriel.com. If there are any news stories or forthcoming events relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk, individuals can email [email protected] with details and, if possible, a suitable picture. Tony Rothe, published this news story on January 8, 2024.

Ian Mutton’s success story and presentation at the Cromer Church men’s breakfast will inspire and encourage attendees, as he shares his journey from a young boy with learning difficulties to becoming the manager of SMG Architects Ltd. He attributes his success to God’s guidance and direction, and his story is a testament to the plans and purposes that God has for each individual. The event will provide an opportunity for individuals to hear first-hand about Mutton’s journey, as well as enjoy a cooked breakfast. Attendees are encouraged to book in advance and make a small donation to cover the cost of the breakfast.

SMG Architects, where Mutton is the manager, has been involved in numerous innovative building projects across East Anglia, including the Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham and a mission to provide facilities at a village school in Uganda. Interested individuals can learn more about the services offered by SMG Architects and their mission to Uganda by visiting their profile page on Network Norfolk. The news story was published by Tony Rothe on January 8, 2024, and individuals can contact [email protected] with any news stories or forthcoming events relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk.

Overall, Ian Mutton’s presentation at the Cromer Church men’s breakfast will provide an opportunity for individuals to hear an inspiring success story and learn more about God’s plans and purposes. The event will also allow attendees to enjoy a cooked breakfast and support the cost by making a small donation. SMG Architects, where Mutton is the manager, has been involved in various impactful building projects, and individuals can learn more about their services and mission to Uganda by visiting their profile page on Network Norfolk. For individuals with news stories or forthcoming events related to Christians or a church in North Norfolk, they can contact Tony Rothe at [email protected].

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