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Celebrate Christian Unity week in Sheringham

Christians in the Sheringham area are invited to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at St Andrews Methodist Church later this month. The Christians Together united service will take place on Sunday 21 January at 6pm, with refreshments served from 5.30pm. It will be an informal time of worship and fellowship. Revd Betty Trinder, interim minister at St Andrew’s, will be leading the worship based on ‘You shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself’. It is hoped as many friends from all the denominations in Sheringham and beyond, will want to be part of this commemoration of this national week of prayer. St Andrew’s Methodist Church is on Cromer Road in Sheringham, NR26 8SA.

The event is a part of the national Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and is an opportunity for Christians from all denominations to come together in worship and fellowship. The service will be led by Revd Betty Trinder, and will be based on the theme of loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. The event is open to friends from all denominations in and around the Sheringham area, and it is hoped that many people will participate in this special commemoration.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an important time for Christians to come together in prayer and reflection. The service at St Andrews Methodist Church in Sheringham is an opportunity for Christians from different denominations to join together in worship and fellowship, and to celebrate their shared faith. The event will be an informal and welcoming gathering, with refreshments served before the service, and it is open to friends from all denominations in the area.

If you have news or information about a Christian-related event in North Norfolk, you can email the details to [email protected]. It is also possible to submit a suitable picture with the details. This is a good opportunity to support and promote Christian events and activities in the local area, and to encourage participation and involvement in the Christian community.

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