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Cathedral Choir at Heydon’s Harvest celebration

The choir of Norwich Cathedral will lead worshippers in thanksgiving for the harvest at a special service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 8 October in St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Heydon.

The service will also feature the Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev’d Dr Andrew Braddock, as guest preacher. The act of worship begins at 3:30pm and is followed by refreshments in the church. An added attraction will be a collection of tractors, old and new, assembled on the village green.


Team Vicar, Rev’d Andrew Whitehead, said “It’s wonderful that the cathedral choir have offered to come to Heydon for this special service and we’re really looking forward to hearing them and the Dean leading us in our celebration. Harvest Festival gives us a chance to thank all those who work on in farming and food production for the essential job they do in feeding us all. It also gives us the opportunity to praise God for the beauty of creation and the amazing place in which we live.”


The choir will be directed by Ashley Grote, Master of Music at Norwich Cathedral, and accompanied by Cathedral organists David Dunnett and Robbie Carroll. The provisional programme includes music by Sumison, Rose and Stanford, with an anthem by John Rutter and blessing by Bob Chilcott.


All are welcome at the service and there will be a collection of money for the North Norfolk Foodbank.



Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 02/10/2023

Read the full article here

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