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Carbon reduction measures at Cromer Church

In the New Year, improvement works are scheduled to start at Cromer Parish Church in order to install an upgraded lighting system and a state-of-the-art destratification system. This project aims to make the building more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, with the goal being to redistribute warm air from the top of the building down to ground level. The installation of destratification fans is expected to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% and CO2 emissions by 20-50%, contributing to the Church of England’s net zero environmental targets.

Additionally, the church’s current lighting system is obsolete, and the replacement lamps and equipment are no longer available. The upgrade to LED-based lights will not only improve the quality and sustainability of lighting in the church but also allow for wireless control, dimming, and different color effects to enhance the atmosphere at events held in the church. These improvements are estimated to save around 37% in energy costs and reduce the need for maintenance to be carried out at a considerable height.

The improvement works will involve the installation of extensive scaffolding in the nave and chancel of the church for just under three months, from January to March 2024. Consequently, the Parish Church will be closed during this period, and arrangements have been made to hold services in the Parish Hall instead. Ivan Kimble, one of the churchwardens, expressed anticipation for providing a warm welcome to regulars and visitors alike in time for Easter next year, with the destratification system helping to keep the building warmer in winter and reduce heating costs. This project is part of a programme aimed at updating and modernizing the church building to make it ‘fit for purpose’ in the 21st century.

The latest improvements follow the installation of digital screens in the church in June of the same year to improve the visibility of words and pictures displayed. This story is based on an article on the Diocese of Norwich website, with the photo of the Cromer Church interior also courtesy of the same website. Additionally, the article invites readers to share news stories or forthcoming events relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk by emailing the details, along with a suitable picture, to [email protected].

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