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Wretham Church and rectory welcome Easter visitors 

East Wretham Church will be welcoming visitors on Easter Sunday and Monday, April 21 and 22, when the gardens of the former rectory, now Wretham Lodge, are open to the public.


The National Gardens Scheme ten-acre site at the Lodge has a spring-time display of tulips, hellebores, fritillaries, daffodils and narcissi, along with bluebell and woodland walks, shrub borders and a walled garden. Admission is £5, children free, proceeds to NGS charities.


Across the road is the small Victorian gem which is the church of St Ethelbert. The Grade II* church building will be open and home-made cakes and savouries and refreshments will be available throughout both days, along with a large used book sale.


Proceeds here are for church funds and visitors can relax in a church notable for its wall and other paintings, a Grade II listed James Corps organ and a Lutyens wall memorial to a fallen WW1 soldier.


There is an added musical bonus as The Occasional Garden Singers will give 11.30am and 1.30pm performances of a Capella work in the church on Easter Monday.


The gardens will be open between 11am and 5pm on both days. There is ample parking available in Church Road (IP24 1RL), which will also be signed over the two days.


The image of East Wretham Church is by kind permission of Simon Knott at http://www.norfolkchurches.co.uk


Read the full article here

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