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Thetford church to open garden as an oasis of peace 

On Sunday, March 5 the United Reformed Church in Thetford will celebrate the opening of its garden as a Peace Garden for use by the town with the unveiling and dedication of a Peace Pole.

Thetford United Reform Church (URC) will hold a service for the dedication of its new Peace Pole and the opening of its Peace Garden on Sunday, March 5 at 2pm and anyone is welcome to attend.


There are already a number of Peace Poles around Thetford, including at King’s House Gardens, at Rev Ken and Heather Nicholls’ Lake House and Thetford Methodist Church, which stand as symbols of Peace around the community.  Every Peace Pole proclaims the prayer ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’.


It is hoped that a Peace Trail might be launched for visitors to the town to follow to visit all the Peace Poles. The Poles are all of unique designs and each in their way reflect some aspect of peace.


With the launch of the garden that celebrates the church’s bicentennial year, the United Reformed Church in Earls Street is opening its garden to the public to visit at all times of the week, as an oasis of peace in busy lives – a place to sit and reflect (and perhaps to eat lunch!).


Rev Julian Sanders of Thetford URC said: “The church too will begin to be open on Thursday afternoons for those who might want to spend time in prayer, or to come and chat with one of our pastoral team, or just to rest and perhaps have a cup of coffee.”


A number of ‘Peace’ events are planned by the church in the coming weeks to promote the theme of Peace in an ever more turbulent society.


Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Mid Norfolk?  

If so, please e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture.

Read the full article here

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