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North Breckland YFC premieres own feature film 

This weekend North Breckland Youth for Christ will premiere their full length feature film ‘Looking to Eternity’ which they filmed over 7 days with a team of 22 young people from Norfolk and God’s help.

On Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5 the cast, crew, their families and supporters of North Breckland Youth for Christ (YFC) have been invited to an invitation-only premiere of the film, Looking to Eternity at Hollywood Cinema in Dereham.


Looking to Eternity is a feature film produced by North Breckland YFC in partnership with Norwich YFC, The Jerusalem Trust and many others in the North Breckland area.

The film was the idea of Dan Lawrence, North Breckland YFC Youth Worker, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour in January 2015 and sensed he was being inspired by the Holy Spirit to write a script for a feature film.


The story is based around 2 Corinthians 4:18: ‘So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal’ and is about a man with no faith who is faced with a life changing terminal diagnosis, and the journey this takes him on.

Ang Fox, Director of North Breckland YFC said: “We wanted to develop the project in a way that it would be possible for the young people we work with to be involved at every stage. The youngsters involved are from all over Norfolk as well as North Breckland.

“The Jerusalem Trust gave us a grant towards costs and provided us with professional help. Firstly on the script that needed to be beaten about and updated to tighten it up. Then they helped train the core production team.  Finally they worked with us delivering the film school in February 2016 that led to ‘Team LTE’.” 

Charis, a young person who is part of Team LTE said: “Working on Looking to Eternity has been a great experience for me. I’ve always wanted to work on a film but I never thought I would have had this much involvement in a film at my age! I’ve learned so much and really enjoyed being a part of the project. I’m so excited about the release and to see how it’s all come together. I hope that many people enjoy watching and learning from it.”

The team worked to a tight schedule to produce the film of almost 80 mins.  It was filmed in just 7 days over the Easter and June school holidays, with 90% of the film shot unscripted. The editing process has taken 4 months.  Then by the end of September the trailer was ready and sent off to National Youth for Christ and on general release. 

DVDs of the film are available to purchase at £10 through the North Breckland YFC website along with free, downloadable resources for youth groups, churches and other organisations to use in small groups to discuss the topics raised by the film.

Ang said: “The story of the film is amazing, as is the back story. Can young people make feature films? With God’s help they can!”

Dan Lawrence said: “It has been a thrill and joy to work alongside these young people. To God be the glory.”

If you would like to know more please email [email protected] or call 07747 471221.


Read the full article here

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