New Pastor at N Elmham church beats chronic illness

Last Sunday Anne-Marie Fewell was ordained and inducted as pastor of Victory Villages Church in Mid Norfolk following recovery from a debilitating 10 year illness with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
On the afternoon of Sunday, March 5 Anne-Marie Fewell was ordained and inducted as pastor of Victory Villages Church, which meets in North Elmham Memorial Hall in Mid Norfolk.
Anne-Marie Fewell studied theology at Spurgeons College in London, to train for Baptist ministry but before she was able to be ordained and settled in a church she became very ill.
Diagnosed with the debilitating illness M.E. Anne-Marie was bedbound for around 10 years.
Richard Eglinton from Victory Villages Church said: “Two years ago at Spring Harvest Anne-Marie was prayed for and received a large measure of healing and since then has been gradually becoming stronger.”
Anne-Marie has two young daughters, whom she home educates. Prior to her illness she worked in a number of churches of different denominations and also with London City Mission.
Victory Villages Church became affiliated to the Eastern Baptist Association (EBA) in 2016 and the EBA Area Minister, Rev Richard Lewis, conducted the ordination and induction and gave the address.
Pastors Tony and Jane Field, who started Victory Villages Church in 2005, are stepping aside from leadership, but will continue to play an active role within the church.
During the service a brief account was given of how Victory Villages Church came into being, and Anne-Marie gave testimony to God’s calling to village work, which was at last being fulfilled.
Around 70 friends and family attended the service, including the Rev Simon King, former minister of Langley Free Church in Slough, where Anne-Marie did a placement during her training. The afternoon concluded with refreshments.
Photo: Anne-Marie with the Rev Lewis (left) and other ministers during the laying-on of hands.
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