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Network Norfolk : Project Profile: Wellspring Centre, Dereham

Wellspring Family Centre, run by Wellspring Family Church, has been addressing crucial social needs in Dereham and the surrounding areas for the past 20 years. The centre operates several services, including Well-come, a support group for individuals recovering from mental illness, Elevate, a support/self-help group for those living with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Little Lambs, a baby and toddler group, and Accommodate, a housing project for individuals facing homelessness. The centre also introduced the Food Cabin as part of the Nourishing Norfolk Network to offer affordable food and toiletries to individuals in the Breckland area on a membership basis. The aim is to support those “Just About Managing” with their finances.

The Well-come support group meets three times a week and provides tailored support, including one-to-one befriending, volunteering opportunities, and phone calls. Partnership with the local NHS health improvement practitioner has enabled several clients to find successful recovery from complex mental health challenges. Elevate aims to support individuals with ME/CFS and their carers through monthly meetings, Zoom calls, online chats, and visits to their homes. Little Lambs offers a nurturing environment for children and their caregivers, providing themed arts and crafts, playtime, and healthy snacks for the kids while also supporting parents and caregivers. Accommodate, a housing project in partnership with Hope into Action, aims to provide a stable and secure place to live for individuals facing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

The Food Cabin, introduced in 2023, offers affordable food items and toiletries to individuals in the Breckland area on a membership basis. It partners with suppliers to provide reduced-cost products, with members saving an average of 30% on their weekly shop. The team also offers support and signposts members to additional services, such as budgeting, priority tariffs, and cost of living support. The Food Cabin currently has over 100 members and aims to support as many people as possible with affordable food, as well as connecting members to other services. People can sign up through visiting the Cabin during opening hours or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. Overall, the Wellspring Family Centre and its projects aim to promote community integration, support, and harmony in the local area.

The centre has formed strong partnerships with community and statutory organizations to operate its services, helping individuals and families facing various challenges, such as low incomes, social disintegration, and limited access to public services in the Dereham area. The growing community, currently with around 15 children and 11 adults each week, is mainly built through word-of-mouth recommendations, and the group has formed a strong partnership with a local mothers and baby group. The Food Cabin also partners with a growing list of suppliers to provide products at a reduced cost, aiming to support those “Just About Managing” with their finances, connect members to other services, and provide a community feel through person-centered support.

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