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Help build support for Mid Norfolk foodbank

Mid Norfolk Foodbank will be participating in Dereham Day this year, showcasing a pyramid of tins to raise awareness about the increasing demand for food parcels in the area. Partnering with Morrisons in Dereham, the charity is collecting donated tins to build the pyramid, with visitors encouraged to bring along their own tins to donate on the day to help complete the structure. The charity has seen a significant increase in the number of families needing emergency food aid, particularly during school holidays, leading to a record number of 5,000 food parcels being given out, with 2,300 of those going to children.

Operations Manager Suzanne Bushby highlighted the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on stock levels, emphasizing the importance of every donation received. The charity’s three foodbank centers in Dereham, Swaffham, and Fakenham have distributed 47 tonnes of food and toiletries in the past year to fulfill almost 2,000 requests for food parcels. Dereham Day will be held at Dereham Memorial Hall and The Fleece Meadow, providing an opportunity for the community to support the Foodbank by donating food items or making financial contributions through the organization’s website. Those in need of assistance can also find information on how to obtain a food parcel voucher on the website.

The Mid Norfolk Foodbank’s efforts to address food insecurity in the community have become increasingly vital as they strive to meet the growing demand for emergency food parcels. By participating in events like Dereham Day and partnering with local businesses like Morrisons, the charity is able to raise awareness and collect essential donations to support families in need. With the cost-of-living crisis impacting many households, the Foodbank plays a critical role in providing essential resources to those facing financial difficulties. The community is encouraged to show their support by contributing to the charity’s efforts through donations and volunteering opportunities.

Through its ongoing commitment to addressing food poverty, the Mid Norfolk Foodbank continues to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families in need. As the charity faces unprecedented demand for its services, it relies on the generosity of the community to ensure that no one goes hungry. By engaging with events like Dereham Day and maintaining partnerships with local businesses, the Foodbank is able to reach a wider audience and secure much-needed donations to fulfill its mission. With the support of volunteers and donors, the charity remains dedicated to providing essential food aid to those experiencing hardship in the Mid Norfolk area.

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