Dereham churches help people to help themselves

A group of churches in Dereham have launched an ambitious project which aims to meet needs in the town, including the provision of food and skills training.
At the moment, the focus is on a community fridge, and Athena Poole, the Love Dereham coordinator, explains how the process works. “We receive food, close to its use-by date, or food from supermarkets and other retailers with damaged packaging. There are also generous gardeners and allotment holders, who bring in their excess produce.”
Though the doors do not open until 10am a queue builds up on Monday to Friday from 9am, as people wait for free food. Part of the idea of the national programme Community Fridge is to prevent food waste. However, Love Dereham is finding that a large percentage of those using their scheme are in some sort of financial need. The need is so apparent, that it is now planning to use part of the space to develop a small Social Supermarket, where those in need can buy shopping essentials at reduced prices.
Though Love Dereham started as the social action arm of Dereham Baptist Church, the trustees of charity now include three people from other Christian groupings in the town, including Youth for Christ. The latest to join as trustee is Major Michael Barwise from the Salvation Army, recently arrived from Lowestoft with his wife Major Jennifer Barwise.
Chair of Love Dereham, Keith Mersh, shared the story of how the project began. “Starting in February this year, God spoke through a series of dreams, visions and remarkable God-incidences, showing that we should establish a centre where community action would be focused for those in need in our town.”
He had a strong sense that the vision was not just for his church but for also for other churches in Dereham. “There is a strong sense of unity across the entire local Christian community. This is not just about churches working together but also about being a catalyst for community action amongst those of all faiths and none in our town.”
Love Dereham’s vision includes not just a food hub but also energy conservation teaching, assistance with form filling and general advice. The team is looking towards establishing a life skills type course, where those who ask for help can be given guidance on wiser shopping and cooking skills, as well as concepts of good budgeting.
“We can take action on many aspects of our vision by using existing resources,” said Keith. “These include a social supermarket and a children’s clothing bank. However, other initiatives will need a dedicated building. Conversations are ongoing about the use of a building in our town where many types of support can be provided for those in need – the ‘go-to place. We have had encouraging conversations with local politicians and I am hopeful that the facility we need will soon be available.”
Pictured above are Keith Mersh and Athena Poole with the community fridge.
Eldred Willey, 27/10/2022
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