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8 Dereham Town Pastors urgent appeal for volunteers

An urgent appeal has been put out by the Dereham Town Pastors for volunteers to ensure that this much appreciated Christian outreach is sustainable and can continue to serve the people on the streets of Dereham on Friday afternoons and evenings.

Dereham Town Pastors are Christian volunteers drawn from various local churches and denominations in Dereham and the surrounding villages.  They aim to serve people, regardless of their faith or background, by going out on the streets to care, to listen, to show concern and wherever possible, to offer help in a non-judgemental and unconditional way. 

It was launched earlier this year as a voluntary, independent inter-denominational church initiative to bring a safe, welcoming presence on the streets of Dereham.  Now they are urgently seeking additional volunteers to ensure the sustainability of the project. 


Tricia Waller, Secretary and Administrator of Dereham Town Pastors said: “We began our patrols in late April this year and have a team of 10 trained volunteers who go out on patrol in pairs on a Friday afternoon or evening.  The patrols, in their bright pink hi-visability waistcoats are well received and recognised by the general public in Dereham Town.  And the kids on the Rec anticipate the visit of our patrols and the free lollipops we hand out!


“However, to make this Christian outreach effort sustainable we desperately need more volunteers to train up to go out on the streets.  We currently have some volunteers going out on patrol up to four times a month but they will not be able to keep this up.”


The team are looking to recruit at least four and preferably six more members so that everyone can do just one patrol a month.  All new recruits will have training and the chance to go out as an observer with a patrol, so that they can get an idea of what it is all about. 


They go out in pairs and operate on most Friday afternoons from 3pm – 5pm and in the early evening on a Friday from 7pm – 9pm. Volunteers must be over 18 and a member of a church.


Tricia said: “We are very anxious to engage with anyone who feels they could do this outreach work and would warmly welcome a chance to discuss it further.”  


Please contact the Dereham Town Pastors Administrator, Tricia Waller by email at [email protected] or by phone on 07941 49 2020.

Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Mid Norfolk?  

If so, please e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Read the full article here

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