Yarmouth church food banks partner for event

Representatives from church food banks, pantries and larders from across the borough of Great Yarmouth worked together to put on the information-sharing event for local agencies.
The event was held last week at Great Yarmouth Town Hall, and was attended by 32 representatives from 29 different agencies. The aim was to help clarify how the local food banks, pantries / larders and social supermarkets operate, and how partnership with referral agencies can be effective. There was also opportunity for those from the referral agencies to discuss how they feel that partnership working and the referral systems might be improved.
Representatives from Belton Church Pantry Foodbank, The Well Foodbank, Flegg Area Foodbank, Yarmouth & Magdalen Foodbank, Shepherd’s Purse Pantry and Caister Community Larder were present at the event. The Salvation Army who run both a food bank and Sally’s Store community supermarket were unable to attend. Also present were representatives of Shrublands Food Club, who although not associated with a church, also run a social supermarket and work together with the other food banks and larders. Between them the whole of the borough of Great Yarmouth is covered.
Attendees at the event heard how the food banks provide food between them for around 400 – 500 households a month. Referrers were encouraged to signpost those for whom it was feasible to pantries / larders / social supermarkets (who provide food at a reduced cost) rather than food banks.
Liz Townson from Gorleston Baptist Church, who run the Well Foodbank and Shepherd’s Purse Pantry, commented: “It was really good to come together from across the borough. We all have the same vision to provide food for people who are struggling and to help them find ways to move beyond needing food banks. We can only do that by working together.”
To find out more about the church food banks in the area, contact details for making donations, and how to become a referrer, visit: www.imaginenorfolktogether.org.uk/resources/foodbanks
Photo of representatives of some of the church food banks and pantries at the Town Hall last week
Anna Heydon, 03/10/2023
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