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Yarmouth church celebrates café’s impact

The Christchurch Methodist / URC church in Great Yarmouth is preparing to close its coffee shop after about 30 years of serving the community. The church invites the community to join them in celebrating the value and joy that the coffee shop has brought to the area. The last day of trading for the cafe will be on December 15, and this will be marked with an act of worship to commemorate the coffee shop’s legacy. A scrapbook is available for people to write their memories of the café, and these can also be emailed to Rev Judith Bell. Despite the closure of the coffee shop, the Methodist / URC church will continue to operate and hopes the building will continue to function as a community hub.

The decision to close the coffee shop was made by the church council after recognizing a changing situation. The church’s membership is no longer able to provide the strategic oversight and day-to-day management that the coffee shop needs to develop and grow. As a result, the decision was made to close the coffee shop and engage in a time of listening to discern what the mission of Christchurch might be going forward. Despite the closure of the coffee shop, the church gives thanks to God for the ways in which they have been able to provide a place of hospitality and community through the cafe’s program.

The closure of the coffee shop does not mean the end of the Methodist / URC church’s operations. The church plans to continue its mission and hopes that the building will continue to function as a community hub. The decision to close the coffee shop was a difficult one, but the church is looking towards the future and is open to new possibilities. As the coffee shop’s era comes to an end, the church is committed to maintaining its presence in the community and finding new ways to serve and connect with the people of Great Yarmouth.

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