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Stalham church celebrates major renovation

Stalham Baptist Church has undergone a major renovation project on their ancient schoolroom, which was originally built in the late 1800s. After raising more than half a million pounds through various fund-raising activities, the church has spent almost a year completing the building work. The refurbished schoolroom now includes a large and modern kitchen, new meeting rooms, a new floor, improved access to and from the main worship area, a new stairway to the original church’s organ loft, and internal toilets. The changes are expected to benefit both the church and the local community. The renovated area was ceremonially opened by county councillor Margaret Dewsbury, who praised the project as a place of hope and a community endeavor.

Despite initial skepticism, the church successfully completed the refurbishment of the schoolroom, with pastor Ron Skivington acknowledging that God had guided them every step of the way. Assistant pastor Jerry Otieno paid tribute to the numerous people who worked on the project and their faithfulness. The renovations were made possible through the efforts of many individuals, including the church congregation and the builders who worked respectfully and courteously, even switching off power tools during a funeral. Various fund-raising activities, such as a fundraising barn dance, were organized to raise the necessary funds for the project, with pastor Ron Skivington noting that the floor of the schoolroom, which was previously unfit for such events, can now accommodate such activities. The church hopes that future generations will appreciate and use the renewed space, marking it as a symbol of God’s faithfulness and the support of the community.

The transformation of the schoolroom at Stalham Baptist Church represents more than just a physical change, according to county councillor Margaret Dewsbury. She emphasized the significance of the project as a community effort and a place of hope, with the potential to positively impact many lives in the local community. The refurbished schoolroom now offers a welcoming and inclusive space for both the church and the wider community. The successful completion of the project is a testament to the dedication of the church congregation, the support of the local community, and the faithfulness of God.

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