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New Bishop baptises and confirms in Gorleston

The new Bishop of Thetford, Ian Bishop, presided over a day of celebration in Gorleston, which included a sea baptism and twelve confirmations. The day started with Bishop Ian leading a short service on the beach for the baptism of 15-year-old Hazel Hammond. Hazel, who was raised in a Christian household, shared her testimony during the service, expressing her gradual realization of her faith. She was then baptised in the sea by Bishop Ian and Revd Matthew Price. Despite the coldness of the water, Hazel felt the Lord’s presence and was grateful for the support from the local church community.

After the beach baptism, the celebration continued at St Mary Magdalene Church, where Bishop Ian confirmed Hazel along with 11 other individuals. Nine of the candidates were from St Mary Magdalene Church, with the remaining two from Cliff Park Community Church. Half of the group were under the age of 18. Bishop Ian was consecrated as the Bishop of Thetford in September, and this was his first service of confirmation. The event marked an important moment for the candidates, as they publicly declared their commitment to their faith.

The sea baptism and confirmations were significant events for the local church community in Gorleston. The presence of Bishop Ian brought a sense of joy and celebration to the day. The testimonies shared during the beach service and the public declarations made during the confirmations served as a reminder of the transformative power of faith. The support from the local churches, who came out in numbers to witness and support the events, further emphasized the unity and strength within the Christian community.

Overall, the day of celebration in Gorleston was a testament to the enduring faith of those in the community. The sea baptism and confirmations provided a visible representation of individuals committing their lives to following Christ. Bishop Ian’s presence and leadership added an extra sense of significance to the events. The support from the local church community created a feeling of unity and fellowship. It was a day filled with joy, gratitude, and hope for the future of the church in Gorleston.

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