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Mixed ability congregation launch in Gorleston

Magdalen Way Methodist Church in Gorleston is starting a new congregation that includes people with additional needs in all aspects of leadership and running. The goal is to create an inclusive, all-age, mixed ability congregation where individuals can make new friends and learn about God together. Meetings will be held on Saturdays, with the next ones scheduled for March 2 and April 13 from 2pm to 4pm at the church. Rev Donna Dodson from the Norfolk Broads Methodist Circuit emphasizes the importance of valuing and involving everyone in the community, making the initiative both educational and enjoyable.

The new congregation at Magdalen Way Methodist Church is inspired by the national WAVE movement (We’re All Valued Equally) which aims to promote and facilitate mixed-ability friendships. WAVE was founded by two parents who understood the challenges of integrating a child with learning disabilities into the community, realizing that attitudes towards disability must change for true inclusion to occur. With a Christian faith background, the founders, Bernice and Celia, believe in the equal value of all individuals in God’s eyes, motivating them to push for a more inclusive society based on this belief.

Individuals interested in learning more about Magdalen Way WAVE and potentially getting involved can contact Deacon Sheralee for further information or to inquire about accommodations that may be needed. The goal is to make it easier for everyone to join in and contribute to the congregation. More information about the WAVE movement can be found on their website, where their mission and goals are outlined. The initiative at Magdalen Way Methodist Church is just one example of the efforts being made to create a more inclusive and accepting community for individuals with additional needs.

Overall, the creation of the new congregation at Magdalen Way Methodist Church highlights the importance of including individuals with additional needs in all aspects of community life, including leadership and decision-making. By following the principles of the WAVE movement, the initiative seeks to promote mixed-ability friendships and challenge societal attitudes towards disability. Through collaboration and a belief in the equal value of all individuals, the aim is to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for individuals with additional needs, emphasizing the importance of valuing and involving everyone in the community.

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