Gorleston youth outreach moves forward

The Identity youth project in Gorleston is progressing well, with thriving youth outreach taking place in the town, and there is an opportunity to gather to pray, with breakfast, for this vital work.
Matt Ashpole, youth work leader, pictured above, describes some of the initiatives that have been taking place:
Youth Alpha started in January, and the team were hugely encouraged to see 17 young people attend the first one – and there may be a few more yet to join. Matt says “we are already seeing God at work within this ministry to young people. Please pray for the group, the leaders, and the young people, especially that they would come to know the love of Jesus as a result.”
Identity have arranged with East Norfolk Sixth Form College (ENSFC) to begin running a Christian Faith based group called ‘EN-Explore’. This takes place each Tuesday and is a space for students to chill out, ask questions and study parts of the Bible. The team will also be mentoring a few of their students, also on a Tuesday. Although this isn’t Identity’s primary focus at the college, it is a good opportunity to deepen and develop the working relationship with ENSFC which will hopefully lead to more opportunities to share the Christian faith there.
St Mary Magdalene’s fortnightly outreach club, Mags, continues to thrive on a Friday night, with Identity’s support. They have limited the numbers to 30 young people and could increase this potentially with an additional helper. If anyone in the Gorleston area is interested, please do connect Matt. Those coming enjoy relaxing with sports, games, art and the ever-popular tuck shop. They are also showing videos called ‘Kleer Series’ from Scripture Union, which are providing some good Christian content.
The Identity team hold a monthly prayer gathering on the first Tuesday of each month from 7am – 8am at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Gorleston, NR31 7BZ. A light breakfast is available afterwards for anyone who is able to stay. The next prayer gathering is on Tuesday March 1 and everyone is warmly welcome to come along.
Matt says, “Despite the struggles and continued disruptions to youth ministry and life in general, we are firm believers that there is hope in Christ and that God, in his sovereignty, is still in control. We remain grateful for the prayers, and donations of individuals and churches across the Gorleston area and beyond.”
For more information, or to donate, visit the Identity website, or e-mail Matt Ashpole at:
[email protected]
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?
If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture.
Tony Rothe, 21/02/2022
Read the full article here