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Gorleston vicar invited to King’s Coronation

A Norfolk vicar has been invited to the coronation of King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort on 6 May at Westminster Abbey. 

The Revd Matthew Price, Vicar of St Mary Magdalene church in Gorleston, who received a British Empire Medal for services to the community during the pandemic, was delighted to receive the invitation.


Revd Matthew said, “I am very excited at the prospect of attending such an historic moment in our nation’s history. When I received the British Empire Medal I said that I was receiving it on behalf of the whole team, from our church and the wider community, who had worked so hard during the pandemic, and I see this invitation in the same way.

“It is wonderful to think that I will be representing our community in Gorleston at Westminster Abbey.  I’d like to think it also honours those who serve our community today.  Even the post lady who delivered the invitation was excited. She said, ‘I think it’s from the King’ as she handed it over.”


Revd Matthew was named in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in October 2020 along with other church people who had specially contributed during the pandemic. At that time, he led a team of more than 100 volunteers who delivered food parcels to 1150 people (including 370 children) between March and July in 2020. They also delivered cards offering support, via a freephone helpline, to every household in the parish and followed it up with a programme of door-to-door welfare checks as the lockdown restrictions began to ease, with the support of the local police and the borough council. 


At the time Revd Matthew said, “We are simply trying to live out Jesus’s command to love our neighbour, which is at the heart of both the Christian faith and my calling as a parish vicar.” 


As a vicar in Gorleston, Matthew still works in partnership with local voluntary organisations to help the community, and is planning a major celebration on the Magdalen Estate on the Bank Holiday Monday to celebrate the Coronation. He is also the Bishop’s Adviser for Urban and Estates Ministry.


The pictures above are courtesy of Revd Matthew Price.



TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 27/04/2023

Read the full article here

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