Learn to write creatively at North Norfolk retreat

Norfolk writer Jane Walters, who writes a regular column for Network Norfolk, is running another Ready Writers creative writing retreat at the Pleasaunce in Overstrand later this month, and bookings are now being taken. Tony Rothe reports.
The retreat will run from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 April and follows the successful event last November. The weekend is aimed at anyone wishing to hone their writing skills, whether they are new to the craft or experienced writers. Participants will enjoy the chance to improve their technique in facilitated sessions and be free to experiment in their own time, with the opportunity of sharing together what has been written, ending the day with a short devotional time.
Jane, pictured right, says, ‘I meet many people who love to write but can’t find the space or time to really get down to it. A residential retreat is the perfect opportunity to kind of marinate in all things writerly. Meeting like-minded Christian writers – at whatever stage of their journey – is uplifting and encouraging and often provides stimulus in itself. Add in the sessions where we gather to learn more about different aspects of writing, plus the wonderful hospitality of the venue (right at the seaside!) and you have the perfect setting for getting your creativity firing.’
The theme of the weekend is ‘Beautifully formed’ and, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned writer, and whatever genre interest you have, a warm welcome awaits you.
Jane has had a love of reading and writing from an early age and also has an affinity for song-writing. At heart she is a communicator and teacher, and loves to speak at all kinds of events: church meetings, Ladies’ Breakfasts, retreats, etc. She will deliver messages on a variety of topics with warmth and humour, ensuring that they are encouraging, challenging, God-directed conveying her compassion for the hurting and the longing of God to restore and renew.
She was Creative Writer in Residence on the Sunday Breakfast Show of BBC Radio Norfolk from 2014 and since then has popped up regularly on Premier Christian Radio and UCB. She is an active member of the Association of Christian Writers, serving on the Committee between 2016 and 2019.
The Pleasaunce in Overstrand, near Cromer, pictured top, is a unique, Grade Two* listed mansion designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens for Lord and Lady Battersea between 1888 and 1902. Visitors have included Queen Alexandra, her sister the Dowager Empress of Russia, Princess Louise and several British Prime Ministers, as well as novelists such as Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. It was bought by Christian Endeavour Holiday Centres (CEHC), and opened as a Christian holiday home in 1938.
Standing in six acres of grounds, The Pleasaunce can accommodate up to 80 visitors, making it suitable for large parties. Guests can relax in the tranquil rose or sunken gardens and enjoy the cloisters and clock tower. It is only 100 metres from the cliffs, which overlook a popular sandy beach.
For more information, or to book, e-mail : [email protected]
or ring: 01263 579212
The Pleasaunce is at Harbord Road, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0PN.
For more about Jane’s work, visit janewyattwalters.com
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?
If so, e-mail [email protected] with details and, if possible a suitable picture.
Tony Rothe, 04/04/2022
Read the full article here