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Baptisms held at Bradwell swimming pool

A baptism service was recently held in a local swimming pool for three members of the new Bradwell Elim Pentecostal Church.

The Phoenix Swimming pool in Bradwell, near Gorleston, was hired on the evening of Sunday August 13 by the new Bradwell Elim Pentecostal Church for their first ever baptisms, having started up just over a year ago. One lady who was baptised has been a long-standing Christian but had never before had the opportunity of a public full immersion baptism and gave a great expression of joy as she came up out of the water. The other two ladies who were baptised were new Christians who came to faith through the warm space outreach which takes place on a Saturday at St George’s Café in Great Yarmouth. The warm space welcomes people to receive free refreshments and a listening ear and they also have an opportunity to hear the gospel. Many regularly receive prayer on a Saturday through this outreach and can testify to things changing in their lives. Several who were homeless have now found places to live and others have received new jobs, others have testified to healing and many have begun coming along to the church on a Sunday. Pastor Anne who leads the church says that they are “believing that this baptism will be the first of many more to come as God is reaching out to people in the area with his love and transforming power”.
The service at the pool began with some songs of worship, followed by a word from Pastor Anne and a testimony from Rita, one of the ladies being baptised. Following this, those being baptised went down into the pool, where they were asked to give a confession of their faith in Jesus. Once this had happened they were lowered into the water and up again symbolising their old way of life being buried with Christ and rising up into new life through the power of the resurrection. The evening was described by attendees as being one of joy and celebration. People attended not only from the Bradwell Elim Pentecostal Church but many other denominations.
Pastor Anne reported: “it was a wonderful evening and such a joy to see people committing their lives to the Lord and wanting to go through the waters of baptism as Jesus instructed us to do. I wish them all the best for their new life in Christ and it has been an honour to be part of their journey”.
After the baptism everyone was invited for a celebration buffet at the Mill Lane Centre where the church meets. This provided an opportunity to meet each other over a generous spread of food and refreshments.
Pastor Anne concluded that “everyone went away feeling very uplifted to have been part of such a wonderful celebration and we look forward to seeing what God is going to do next.”

Photo of Rita before her baptism along with Pastor Anne and Laurie. Photo courtesy of Bradwell Elim Pentecostal Church.


Anna Heydon, 29/08/2023

Read the full article here

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