Statement: Thorpe Hamlet local election candidates

We know people can go on a political journey.
But, given Norwich Green Party’s track record of selecting candidates in Thorpe Hamlet, residents have every right to be worried about them now standing someone who, until recently, was a Conservative Party councillor:
(*) Former Thorpe Hamlet Green County Cllr Phil Hardy, then-leader of the Norfolk County Council Green group, defected from the Green Party to the Conservatives
(*) Former Thorpe Hamlet Green County Cllr Adrian Dearnley was one of four Norwich Green councillors who withdrew their support from the Labour-led alliance that ran Norfolk County Council, letting the Conservatives take control
(*) Former Thorpe Hamlet Green Cllr Adrian Dearnley then defected from the Green Party to the Conservatives
(*) Former Thorpe Hamlet Cllr Nigel Utton was elected to serve as Norwich Green Party councillor, but caused outrage by referring to Covid as “the biggest con in history” at a Norwich City Council meeting; he turned independent before then resigning
(*) Now, Thorpe Hamlet Green Party are standing a candidate who is currently a councillor in South Norfolk, where they were elected in 2019 as a Conservative
Read more:…/23372933.josh-worley…/
Norwich Labour’s candidate for Thorpe Hamlet is Jane Overhill.
Jane has been a member of the Labour Party for over 40 years, has lived in Thorpe Hamlet for 18 years and worked in local government for 23 years. Her children went to Thorpe Hamlet First and Junior Schools, and she was active as a member of the PTA and Chair of Governors at Thorpe Hamlet First School. She has been a member of a trade union all her working life and is a current Unison steward. Jane has been working hard to meet local residents, listen to their views and push for improvements in the local area.
Read the full article here