Bishop opens Norwich Charity Christmas card shop

The Bishop of Norwich the Rt Revd Graham James officially opened the Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card in Norwich, which sells cards from 29 charities, 100% of the profits go to the charities.
The shop is located at 15 St Stephen’s Street, Norwich, next door to Sainsbury’s Local and is open from 10am until 5pm, Monday to Saturday until December 15th.
The shop is run by volunteers has been in business, at various locations every winter for more than 50 years, having opened in 1966.
The charities supported are:
Alzheimer’s Society
Amnesty International
Assist Trust
Banyan Tree
Benjamin Foundation
Big C Cancer Charity
CAB (Citizens’ Advice Bureau)
Community Sport Foundation
East Anglian Air Ambulance
Epilepsy Research UK
Friends of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Friends of Norwich Cathedral
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Hospice Ethiopia
John Aves Education Project
Keeping Abreast
Make a Wish
Nelson’s Journey
NNAB (Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind)
Norwich Cruse Bereavement Care
Norwich Foodbank
Save the Children
St Edmunds Society
St Martins Housing Trust
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