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I’m a New Age Traveller making my way in the world of boxing but unlike other female fighters I’ll NEVER strip naked

Raven Chapman, a 30-year-old boxer from Norwich with roots in the New Age Travelling community, is preparing for a fight against Australian champion Skye Nicolson. Chapman takes pride in her decision to stay fully clothed during fight week, unlike other female boxers who may use their physical attributes to boost their earning potential. Despite the financial implications of her choice, Chapman believes in showcasing her boxing skills rather than resorting to revealing clothing for attention.

Chapman’s nomadic lifestyle reflects her free-spirited nature and desire for adventure. Born in Norwich but having never returned, she values her connection to the New Age Travelling community and the support she receives from them. Preferring to be outdoors and embrace nature, Chapman moves frequently and seeks new experiences over material possessions. She plans to simplify her belongings, keeping only what can fit in her campervan as she pursues a life of exploration and spontaneity.

While many athletes look to maximize their earnings during their short-lived careers, Chapman remains true to her values and beliefs. She acknowledges the risks and challenges of boxing, recognizing the importance of maintaining integrity in her chosen sport. As an ambassador for Unibet and a participant in fights held in countries like Saudi Arabia, Chapman faces questions about the social and cultural norms of those places. However, she remains focused on the progress and opportunities for women in sport, hoping for continued advancements in gender equality.

Chapman’s dedication to boxing and her refusal to compromise her principles make her a unique figure in the sport. Despite the pressures to conform to certain standards or expectations, she stands by her choice to let her boxing skills speak for themselves. With a desire to be remembered for her talent and resilience in the ring rather than for her appearance, Chapman embodies a sense of authenticity and independence that sets her apart from her peers. As she continues her career and embraces the challenges of boxing, Chapman remains unwavering in her commitment to staying true to herself.

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