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Driver who mowed down a man he mistook for a mugger then circled back to run over him a second time is jailed

A DRIVER who mowed down a man he mistook for a mugger then circled back to run over him a second time has been jailed.

Police released shocking CCTV footage of Darren Blackmore, 43, circling back to run over his innocent victim after he was laying severely injured in a car park.

Blackmore has now been jailed for 10 years after he admitted to causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Footage from July 23 which shows him speeding into his unsuspecting 30-year-old victim and two men as they were walking though a car park was shown at Norwich Crown Court.

It showed him driving a Peugeot 307 straight at the trio just hours after his friend told him he had been mugged in North Walsham, Norfolk.

His victim suffered serious leg injuries and a shattered hip before he was seen desperately crawling away after Blackmore circled back to run him over at Vicarge Car Park.

Another man was shown dodging the speeding car moments before the injured victim managed to narrowly avoid being crushed by crawling away.

Police said Blackmore had wrongly identified the trio as his friend’s attackers when he launched his brutal hit and run at around 12.55am.

The court heard Blackmore had travelled more than 30 miles from his home in Wymondham after receiving a call from his friend saying he had been robbed.

Detective Inspector Matt Dyson said: “This was a shocking crime which has had a significant impact on the victim and could have had potentially fatal consequences.

“The very serious deliberate act was most likely due to a relatively minor matter earlier this evening before, a matter that the victim and his friends had no part in.”

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