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Diners stunned as Hollywood A-lister eats at Norwich restaurant and wolfs down banoffee and bolognese waffles

X-MEN star Hugh Jackman got his claws into a mega-meal — at a waffle restaurant in Norwich.

Hugh, 54, who played Wolverine in the Marvel series, scoffed them for his main course as well as dessert.

Staff at The Waffle House in the city joked that “he also helped chop some vegetables in the kitchen with his claws”.

The Greatest Showman star posted pictures of what he described as his “cheat meal” online and said: “Nooo! I did not share. And I’m not sorry.”

He polished off a savoury waffle with pan-fried Norfolk field mushrooms and cheddar cheese sauce and a bolognese sauce.

For dessert he had a banoffee waffle with bananas, toffee sauce and flaked chocolate.

And he washed it all down with a milkshake.

After Hugh’s visit on Sunday, the restaurant said: “Huge thank you to thehughjackman for being such a legend, posing for a photo and mentioning us on his social media pages.

“He also helped chop some vegetables in the kitchen with his claws.”

Emily Blakemore, the manager on the night, said: “It was very surreal — the energy and excitement on that shift was just crazy.”

Aussie Hugh has links to Norfolk through his mother, who lives in the county. He is also a fan of Norwich City Football Club.

The actor will reprise his Wolverine role in Deadpool 3 next year.

Read the full article here

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