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Bride to walk up the aisle after boyfriend proposed over Asda tannoy

A BRIDE plans to walk up the aisles – after her boyfriend proposed over the tannoy at Asda.

Itayi Mukonyora, 26, popped the question to his shocked partner of three years Astrolisa Zvovuno in their local branch.

Astrolisa, 24, thought they were just there for their usual food shop — but Itayi slipped away and used the speakers to ask her to marry him.

He had secretly planned the proposal for four weeks and was delighted she said “yes”.

A week before, he went into the Norwich store to say what he was planning to do and the manager agreed to help him.

Itayi explained: “When we came to the UK, it was the first shop we went to do our groceries. I thought, ‘This is the place she is least likely to suspect anything’.”

Astrolisa said: “I am very overwhelmed and surprised. He did throw me off. I wasn’t expecting it at all.”

The couple met through a mutual friend in Cyprus, where Itayi was living and Astrolisa was on holiday.

They dated long distance for two years before he moved to Norwich, where Astrolisa is a nursing student at the University of East Anglia.

Itayi is set to start a masters in psychology.

The traditional wedding is due to take place this month.

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Read the full article here

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