My key tip for learning that new skill whatever your age
The author recounts a trip with 15 individuals ranging in age from late 50s to 79. They were all fit and in good health, which the author attributes to their commitment to exercise in mid to later life. The individuals on the trip had a positive attitude towards life and often mentioned the phrase “I’m doing this while I can” in conversations. This mantra of living in the present and not putting off doing what one wants resonated with the author. They encourage readers to ask themselves if they are living by the same mantra and to consider what would make their life more fun, productive, and meaningful.
Next, the author suggests identifying what is stopping one from pursuing their desires. They share the story of a friend who wanted to attend an art class but faced the obstacle of no reliable transportation. However, the friend found an alternative class that was accessible by train and within walking distance of her home. The author advises readers to take a similar approach and find alternative solutions when faced with obstacles.
The author emphasizes the importance of language and mindset when pursuing goals. They urge readers to use positive and assertive language, saying “I’m going to do this” rather than “I’ll try to do this.” The author explains that saying one is going to do something increases the likelihood of success compared to those who only vaguely express a desire to try. They also recommend setting aside dedicated time to think and progress towards goals, even if it’s just an hour a couple of days a week. Additionally, they advise scheduling this time when one feels most energetic and capable.
Finally, the author encourages readers not to let their age discourage them from setting new goals and dreaming new dreams. They quote C.S. Lewis, saying “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” The author finds inspiration in this quote and hopes it resonates with readers as well. Overall, the author advocates for living in the present, finding alternatives to obstacles, using positive language, dedicating time for personal growth, and believing in one’s potential regardless of age.