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Suffield Arms pub releases new beer with Lacons Brewery

The Suffield Arms pub and restaurant in Thorpe Market has been impacted by the rising costs of beer, particularly those imported from abroad. The pub, known for its Mediterranean food menu and wide selection of beers, wanted to avoid passing the increased costs onto their customers. In order to provide an affordable alternative to European classic lagers without import costs, the pub teamed up with Lacons Brewery to create a new custom lager called Suffield Helles. The 3.8% lager was designed by the restaurant’s head chef to complement the Mediterranean menu. The collaboration with Lacons Brewery, located nearby, allows the pub to avoid transportation costs.

The Suffield Arms prides itself on serving authentic beers from their origin regions in Spain and Italy. However, the rising base price of beer and transportation costs to import these brands have made it difficult for the pub to maintain affordable prices. By partnering with Lacons Brewery to create an in-house lager, the pub hopes to regain customers who can no longer afford the premium lagers.

Assistant manager George Ash is passionate about reviving the bar trade and preserving the nostalgic social space that bars once provided. He believes that by offering their own custom lager, they can bring back some of the pub’s past customers who may have been deterred by the increased prices. The Suffield Helles lager has been well received and has the advantage of being produced locally, eliminating the need for transportation costs.

The collaboration between the pub and Lacons Brewery showcases the creativity and adaptability of businesses in the face of rising costs. By creating their own lager, the Suffield Arms has found a solution that allows them to continue offering a wide selection of beers without burdening their customers with higher prices. This innovation highlights the importance of local partnerships and the value of supporting nearby businesses in order to overcome economic challenges in the hospitality industry. The success of the Suffield Helles lager demonstrates that with creativity and collaboration, businesses can navigate the changing landscape and provide affordable options for their customers.

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