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Second-hand clothing shops in Norwich experience boom

Laura Budd, the owner of the popular shop Norfolk Retro and founder of vintage collective NR Closet, said changing attitudes towards sustainability were fuelling a boom in people looking for second-hand items – with young people at the forefront of the shift.

And, she said that while it used to be the case that people were embarrassed to buy clothes at car boot sales or charity shops there was now kudos associated with making more sustainable purchases.

She said: “It’s definitely a boast now to say you got something second-hand.

“I think some people could even see buying fast fashion items as a little bit shameful. 

“They’re reluctant to admit they’ve supported a less ethical brand.”

A recent survey revealed that 13pc of shoppers in Norwich had admitted to lying about their clothes being second-hand, when they had actually been purchased new, according to online retailer Go Thrift.

Norwich Evening News: Laura Budds, owner of Norwich Pop Up and Norfolk Retro on St Augustines Street in Norwich.Laura Budds, owner of Norwich Pop Up and Norfolk Retro on St Augustines Street in Norwich. (Image: Kerry Curl)

Ms Budd said she wasn’t surprised by the figure, and that shopping for second-hand garments was “often more challenging than buying new”. 

She added: “There is definitely less inclusivity in terms of sizing, with a bias towards smaller sizes.

“It’s also more time-consuming than shopping fast fashion.”

However, with more people looking to adopt sustainable habits, she added that things were starting to change.

“Retailers are spending a lot of time and effort finding pieces in a greater range of sizes, and we’re all looking at ways to make the shopping experience better.

“At the end of the day finding clothes this way does make you more mindful of what you buy.
“There might be a bit less to choose from, but the quality is likely to be better and you’re less likely to end up with things you don’t really want.”

Read the full article here

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