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Pampers Beauty Centre in Norwich to celebrate new extension

Pampers Beauty Centre in Norwich has a rich history that dates back over 40 years, and it has been owned by Nicky Morley since 2016. Over the past six months, Morley and her husband, Andy, have been working on refurbishing the first floor of the building to provide an updated and improved experience for their clients. The salon will be hosting a launch event with goodie bags and discount offers to celebrate the completion of the renovation.

The first floor of the salon has been completely gutted and updated to bring it up to modern standards. This includes a new reception area with a coffee bar, two new treatment rooms, and an updated toilet. Pampers Beauty Centre offers a wide range of treatments, including facials, nails, massages, IPL hair removal, and electrolysis. The salon also provides hair services, with a team of experienced hairdressers offering cuts, colors, and extensions.

One unique feature of the salon is its stunning view of London Street, which is particularly beautiful during this time of year. Morley has expressed her excitement about spending extra time with her family during the refurbishment process. She and her husband have worked tirelessly over the past six months to complete the renovations, and they feel proud of their achievements. In celebration of the launch, the salon will be offering course discounts, special offers on retail, goodie bags, and a glass of bubbly for clients as a token of appreciation for their support.

Overall, Pampers Beauty Centre in Norwich has undergone a significant transformation over the past six months, with the completion of a full refurbishment of the first floor. The salon now offers an updated and modern space for clients to enjoy a wide range of beauty and hair treatments. Morley and her husband are proud of the work they have accomplished and are excited to celebrate the launch with their clients. This marks an exciting new chapter for the salon and its continued success in providing high-quality services to the Norwich community.

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