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Nurture Marketing in Norwich smashes first year goals

Rechenda Smith, the founder of Nurture Marketing, has made a name for herself by embracing her unique personal brand and infusing fun into the world of marketing. Dressed in leopard print from head to toe, Smith has used her colorful image to set herself apart in the industry. She has even coined the term “leopard’s lair” for her office, where everything is accessorized with animal print. With a background in business development, Smith founded Nurture Marketing 18 months ago with £6,000 of her own savings and set up shop in a shed at the bottom of her garden.

In just its first year, Nurture Marketing turned over more than £75,000 and generated a £20,000 profit after tax, allowing Smith to open a “proper office” at Blofield Business Centre and hire three staff members, who she lovingly refers to as her “leopards”. The agency has attracted significant local clients, including Norwich Theatre, Barnham Broom hotel, and the Royal Norfolk Show. Looking ahead, the agency is already on track to surpass last year’s turnover, and Smith attributes their success to their focused innovation, energy, and fresh approach to marketing.

Smith has ambitious plans for the future, as she aims to launch a new arm of the business called the Nurture Marketing School, providing marketing training for businesses and other marketers. With a desire to “reach for the stars”, Smith is eager to shake up the world of marketing and continue making a positive impact in the industry. She believes that their key differentiator is the energy they bring to the table and the innovative, fresh approach they take in their marketing strategies. Despite the competitive landscape of the marketing industry, Smith is confident that Nurture Marketing’s commitment to innovation and their unique brand will continue to set them apart and lead to future success.

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