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Norwich: City centre John Lewis applies for alcohol license

The John Lewis site in All Saints Green has applied for the sale of alcohol from 8am until 11pm each day.

The retailer, which is one of the largest stores in Norwich, is hoping to serve alcohol in designated staff areas and customer restaurants and cafes.

If approved, staff and their guests would be allowed to drink in partner dining rooms, rest areas and the social club. 

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The application also requests permission for alcohol consumption anywhere on the premises during events such as wine tasting and cocktail masterclasses. 

Documents submitted to Norwich City Council state: “The sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises will only be permitted in the designated staff areas and to the public in the customer restaurants and cafes.

“It will also be permitted for the use of a temporary fixture which can be used anywhere in the store for an event, such as a wine tasting or cocktail masterclass, where customers may consume alcohol in that part of the store where the event is taking place and as ancillary to that event.”

Members of the public have until September 22 to comment on the application.

Read the full article here

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