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Let’s Dance Norwich silent discos inspired by Coachella

Sally Harl attended Coachella and returned with a renewed motivation to get children and young people away from screens. After noticing how children spent a lot of time on screens at school and at home, she wanted to find an alternative to energize them. Inspired by her experience at Coachella, she began offering silent disco tours of the city and workshops for all ages. She set up silent disco equipment at the school she worked at and saw the positive impact it had on the children, which led her to start Let’s Dance Norwich and get unexpected bookings from groups such as dementia units.

Surprised at the positive impact of silent discos, Sally began working with dementia units, care homes, and support facilities, and found it heartwarming to see people of all ages waving their arms, tapping their feet, and singing along to the music. She discovered that music is a universal language and the benefits of structured silent discos go beyond what she imagined. Sally’s Let’s Dance Norwich offers structured silent discos that cater to different age groups, including games and activities to help everyone let go of their embarrassment and have fun.

As a different take on silent discos, Let’s Dance Norwich offers structured sessions for different age groups. With elderly groups, Sally speaks about the music that ignites their passion and they listen and do hand movements together, while with young people, the focus is more on movement. In addition to workshops, Sally also offers silent disco tours of the city center, where groups can stop at landmarks and have a mini disco. Overall, Let’s Dance Norwich aims to get people away from screens and energize them through the power of music and movement.

The concept of silent discos became popular in the UK in the 1990s, where a group of people would come together, wear headsets, and dance to music that only they could hear. Let’s Dance Norwich offers a slightly different experience, providing structured sessions that change depending on the age group participating. Sally aims to include games and activities that help people let go of their embarrassment and enjoy dancing to the music. The sessions cater to different age groups and focus on the impact of music on individuals, seeking to break the reliance on screens and energize people through the power of music and movement.

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